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Patent Başvurusu Yapmadan Önce Buluşumu Açıklarsam Ne Olur?

Patentli mi, Patentsiz mi? Bir Teknolojinin Pazar Değeri Nasıl Değişir?

Hangi Güney Amerika Ülkelerine Uluslararası Marka Başvurusu Yapılabilir?

Avrupa Patent Başvurusu: Hangi Ülkeleri Kapsar ve Hangi Ülkeleri Kapsamaz?

Avrasya Patent Başvurusu Nedir? Ve Hangi Ülkeleri Kapsar?

Yazılım Patenti Nasıl Alınır? Adım Adım Kapsamlı Rehber (Örneklerle)

ABD Marka Tescil Başvurusunda Gözden Kaçan Ama Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlar

Marka Başvurusuna Yapılan İtiraza Karşı Görüş (İtiraza Cevap)

ABD, Kanada ve Meksika'da Marka Tescili: Maliyetler ve Başvuru Şartları

Ar-Ge Merkezleri İçin Patent Alma Kılavuzu
What Services We Provide everything about the registration of inventions
As a patent company, our main activity is to protect innovations and inventions. You must obtain a Patent Certificate to protect your inventions and prevent them from being imitated by others. If your intention is to protect your product or company name, then it will be appropriate to provide a Trademark Registration Certificate. If you have a product design that includes aesthetic innovations, you can protect it with Industrial Design Registration Certificate. If you have a product that doesn't include inventive step, but include novelty, then you can obtain a Utility Model Certificate and protect your product. Ultimately, our job is to protect innovations, inventions and to prevent imitation.
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- hiddenDesign
- hiddenUtility Model
- hiddenGeographical Indication
- hiddenBarcode Registration
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- hiddenTübitak Incentives
- hiddenQuality Certificates

About Us
Protech Teknoloji Danismanlik Ltd. Co, established in 2007 to provide services in the field of patent, trademark and design registrations, with its intellectual property experts, provides consultancy services to its customers, regarding the patent registrations for the inventions created in Turkey, industrial design registrations for the original designs revealed, and trademark registrations for the product names, company names while adhering to the strict, professional, fast service and reasonable price policies.
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Contact Us
Meslek Patent
hidden Hakimiyeti Milliye Cad. Beysel Ticaret Merkezi No:66 Kat:3 Daire:70 Üsküdar / İstanbul / Türkiye
Phone: | +90 (216) 553 22 23 |
Fax: | +90 (216) 553 22 28 |
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