
Trademark (29)

You can find questions about the trademark registrations here:

What is a Service Mark?

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A service mark is used to differentiate the services of a commercial enterprise from the services of another business enterprise.

These services can be of all sorts, for example financial services, banking, travel agency, advertising services are a few examples of such services.[...]

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Detailed Trademark Classes

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List of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration

Class 1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plasticsmanuresfire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry[...]

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When can the rights granted by the trademark be claimed against the third parties?

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The publication date and the registration date of the trademark is important in order to claim trademark rights against third parties. After the application is published, compensation claims can be made for infringement cases. However, the courts cannot make their decisions regarding the validity of the claims before the date of the registration of the trademark.[...]

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What are the Infringement Cases of Trademark Rights and Penalties to be Applied?

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 a) Placing a similar trademark on the product or the packaging of the product without permission, launch of the product bearing the trademark into the market, or storage for this purpose, offer the delivery of the product, or submission of services under this trademark, import or export of the products bearing the trademark, use of the trademark in business documents and advertisements of the business.[...]

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About Us

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Protech Teknoloji Danismanlik Ltd. Co, established in 2007 to provide services in the field of patent, trademark and design registrations, with its intellectual property experts, provides consultancy services to its customers, regarding the patent registrations for the inventions created in Turkey, industrial design registrations for the original designs revealed, and trademark registrations for the product names, company names while adhering to the strict, professional, fast service and reasonable price policies.