Which activities may be restricted in accordance with the scope of the rights arising from trademark registration?

Trademark owners can prevent the following actions regarding the trademark.

  • placing the products bearing the trademark on the market, storing them on the market, proposing that delivery can be made or providing services under that trademark,
  • placing the trademark on the packaging or product,
  • import or export of the products bearing the trademark,
  • use of the trademark in business documents or advertisements.

 4365,    27  Sep  2021 ,   Trademark
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Protech Teknoloji Danismanlik Ltd. Co, established in 2007 to provide services in the field of patent, trademark and design registrations, with its intellectual property experts, provides consultancy services to its customers, regarding the patent registrations for the inventions created in Turkey, industrial design registrations for the original designs revealed, and trademark registrations for the product names, company names while adhering to the strict, professional, fast service and reasonable price policies.